A special date to remember ~~ 22nd August 2008 (Friday).
Damon Sir's first time ~ 
Matching food & wine enhance to both and delight this Summer
at South Pacific Hotel Ballroom.
Date : 22nd August 2008 (Friday)
Venue : South Pacific Hotel (Tel: 28311298)
23 Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Cost : HK$ 598 (food + wine)
Capacity : Max of 100 persons (first in first served) [ FULL ! ]
Dress Code : Smart Casual
In order to make this party more "colourful", here are some suggestions on the Dress Code.
For Ladies ~ with 'red' or 'orange' (not only the lips and bags).
For Gentlemen ~ with 'blue' or 'green'.
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm: Wine Tasting
~ Taste up to a total of 30 wines sponsored by:
(1) Jebsen & Company Limited, (2) Wiseville International Limited, (3) Chinese Wine Trading Company Limited, and (4) Cottage Vineyards (International)
8:00 pm: Dinner
9:00 pm: Blind Tasting Competition
10:00 pm: Karaoke
10:30 pm: Lucky Draw
11:30 pm: Farewell
Tickets to be purchased in advance for this wine party.
For non-STS wine classmates, please leave me a "Private Message" with your email address & contact number. I will further advise payment details accordingly.
The dead-line for enrolment will be closed on 18 August 2008.
We look forward to seeing you.
[ 新曆八月二二亦是舊曆七月二二 ,即新舊重,亦含由舊創新之意 ;袁師率表內含“師表”,“率表”示有“率領” 一眾的而 “會師”南洋酒店 ,一句含三意。 ]
再次謝過 AM !
New Plan B ~~
先前 sent 比 STS wine classmates 的 email ,因時間關係 (未睡醒 ),忘記做 spell-check ,有多處 spelling mistakes , sorry !
回覆刪除特別鳴謝 AM 兄為這個酒宴作的標題!
回覆刪除而且還很有意思呢 (留待下回分解)。
嘩,一個早上已有近 60 人報名,現在已有 70 多人了! 要與 Damon Sir 商量加開另一邊廳,否則一定有很多同學仔及朋友們失望!
回覆刪除與 Damon 商議後,現加開至 max 100 人。
回覆刪除100 人的 wine dinner
回覆刪除我今日收到EMAIL, 唔知仲有無位???我想要3個位.
回覆刪除我地係咪又可以一齊去呢, 哈哈
截至這刻,還有最後 10 個位,報名要快 ! 今日電郵給我留位的朋友,明天會有同事通知入數資料。
回覆刪除Seems so ahppy ..but can't join
回覆刪除話咁快就滿額啦,多謝大家踴躍支持! 再報名的朋友,只可安排在 Waiting List 了!
回覆刪除酒宴標題有什麼特別意思? 很心急, 何時開估
回覆刪除Any more seat available ?
回覆刪除Dear Maria Wan! Is the dinner full? I am very interesting to join! If there is any seat available, please contact me! Thank you! My email is mafondamomo@yahoo.com.hk
回覆刪除& my contact number is 9450 1919(Wai).
Thanks Maria Wan! My friend Clement want to join too, please put him in the waiting list! Many thanks!
回覆刪除原來個標題係AM作的, 怪不知得啦!
回覆刪除AM作的標題, 好句好句, 佩服佩服
回覆刪除最衰我太遲先發現有呢個party, 想報名都唔得添.
回覆刪除So sudden coming of the typhoon ! !
回覆刪除The typhoon "Parrot" is slowly approaching Hong Kong and expected to be closest tomorrow.
According to weather forecast, the chance of hoisting signal no. 8 or above is extremely high.
After a discussion with Damon Sir & the wine sponsors, we have came to the final decision as follows:
~ If typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted the whole day (22/08/2008), the wine party will be cancelled and postponed to 19 September 2008 (Friday) instead.
The format & menu are remain unchanged.
If in this case, priority will be given to those who did enroll for "822 wine dinner".
Please register again on or before 27 August 2008 noon. After that, we will accept enrollment from other friends.
If you are unable to attend on 19/09/2008, a refund of the cost will be arranged.
Please advise us your Bank Account number for deposit; Bank of China is preferable, if not, no problem.
~ If typhoon signal no. 8 or above is cancelled or lowered on or before 1400 , the wine dinner will be continued on 22/08/2008.
Should you have any question, please let me know.
A better solution for your consideration as some friends reveal & request one more date to choose.
回覆刪除Either 8 September 2008 (Monday) or 19 September 2008 (Friday).
Please advise Jessica of your selection by 27 August 2008 noon.
If you can attend both, please indicate.
The final event date will go with the majority as we would like to show our appreciation of your support!
回覆刪除又要重頭約過......總之一句, 辛苦晒
Damon Sir's first time ...... calls typhoons & rain !
回覆刪除Hopefully, he won't call another bird in September after this Parrot !!!
Thank you so much for your effort & time in organizing such big event!
回覆刪除At this moment, the majority vote for 19 September, I guess this will be the date we will choose. Let's wait & see for two more days ...
回覆刪除日月連珠八二二、袁師率表會南洋 ;
回覆刪除百方英武聞風至、祥雲瑞雨轉久重 。
意念來自 ” 貴人招風雨 ” , 今次百位八方貴人出席自然連颱風都 聞風而至 ; 百方英武亦相含百位貴人及颱風 ” 鸚鵡 ” ; 有風必有雲 , 祥雲 令人想聖火 , 亦是呼 應上句 八二二 , 日加月等如明而連 珠即是明明 , 全句意含 2008 ; 祥雲 再加 瑞雨 , 風火雲雨四時際會而 祥 ( 長 ) 久 , 而轉上九重天視為吉利 , “ 轉久重 ” 其實是轉日子去九一九 , 又是語含相關 。
Dear AM,
回覆刪除Thanks for your detialed explanation
Dear Maria,
Obviously the majority vote for the date 19 September 2008 .
回覆刪除Therefore, we have decided to continue our wine party on this date. Everything remains unchanged.
Please email to Jessica advising your final decision.
Of course, we will be glad to see all of you on this rescheduled date. Regret if you are unable to attend, we will arrange a full refund ASAP.
Please confirm your availability by 27 August 2008 noon.
If we don't hear from you, we will assume that you are unable to attend. Then, new enrollment will be released to all other classmates and friends on a first in first served basis.
The following message is from Damon Sir.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 12:32 AM
Subject: 多謝各方好友
好多謝你們的支持,估不到揀了一個咁勁的曰子,改期唔希望對大家有太大的影,如有任何意見請向 Maria反影,我們會盡量選擇較多人能出席的日子,暫定九月八日或十九日晚繼續我們的約會。
多謝 A M 幫我寫的標題。仲有 Maria 及 Jessica, 有勞各位幫忙!