Subject Line: Tour 3, The Pure Taste of Alsace Terroir with Domaine Josmeyer’s Christophe Ehrhart
Dear Wine and Food Lover,
We invite you to join us in the third tour of our new series of ‘Discoveries Winemaker Tour 2010’, a joint programme by m.a.x. concepts, wine merchant Cottage Vineyards (International) and local wine instructor, Damon Yuen, where each month, a visiting winemaker and Damon, will lead you to discover some of the world’s most exciting and unusual wines paired to a range of exquisite cuisine in various m.a.x. concepts outlets.
Our third tour, entitled, “The Pure Taste of Alsace Terroir” 22-24 May, 2010, and led by winemaker Christophe Ehrhart of elite Alsatian winery Domaine Josmeyer will bring you to experience some of the most magical terroirs in the world.
Sheltered from oceanic influence by the Vosges mountains, vineyards here are blessed with a semi-continental climate, sunny, hot and dry. Add to these a mosaic of soils made up of granite, limestone, gneiss, schist, and sandstone, and elevations of between 200 to 400 metres, grapes from vineyards here thus enjoy slow, extended ripening, thus enabling wines with very elegant, complex aromas, which in the best combinations house Alsace’s 51 grand cru vineyards.
To capture this magical terroir, Domaine Josmeyer decided to go into organic and biodynamic winemaking in 2000, first, to improve the ability of the wines to express the domaine’s prestigious vineyard terroirs, and second, to contribute to a better lifestyle for the next generations to come.
And thus, we invite you to two winemaker dinner events, both designed to capture the magic of Alsace terroir (Menus below and attached):
- Josmeyer at PEARL ON THE PEAK (The Peak): ‘Josmeyer Alsace Grande Cru’ Alsatian Cuisine-inspired Winemaker Dinner (Saturday 22nd May, 2010, 7:00 – 10:30pm):
HK$928.00 / HK$788.00 NET per person for Cottage Vineyards E-mail list members
- Josmeyer at SIMPLYLIFE FOODPLACE (Citibank Tower, 3 Garden Road, Central): ‘Simply Josmeyer’ Organic Cuisine Winemaker Dinner (Monday 24th May, 2010, 7:00pm – 10:30pm):
HK$588.00 / HK$499.00 NET per person for Cottage Vineyards E-mail list members
ADVANCED TICKET PURCHASE IS REQUIRED. Tickets (available for sale) from today onwards can be purchased from Cottage Vineyards (International). Call Tel. 2395 1293 or email
Hope to see you at our events.
Yours sincerely,
Ada Leung
Managing Director
Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited
釀酒師巡迴演奏旅程三: 法國Alsace亞爾薩斯之Domaine Josmeyer –祖美亞酒莊, 將於2010年5月22-24日舉行。
我們邀請你參加全新一系列的 釀酒師巡迴演奏 2010之旅程三,由美心集團旗下的m.a.x. concepts, 村鄉葡萄園(國際)有限公司及葡萄酒培訓講師袁大文先生攜手合辨。每月都會邀請世界各地不同的釀酒師來臨香港,帶大家發掘世上獨特的葡萄酒及享受m.a.x. concept旗下餐廳的精彩美食配搭。
第三個旅程名為「品嚐純無暇的亞爾蕯斯」由Domaine Josmeyer祖美亞的釀酒師Christophe Ehrhart基斯圖先生帶你體驗世上最奇妙的風土條件。
久違了的基斯圖再為大家表演及品嚐全世界衹有500多間酒莊所採用的Biodynamic(有機及自然動力耕種方式)去釀製的葡萄酒,在保護自然生態下不採用農药、化肥及化學材料去種植及釀製,充份表達了泥土的原始訊息及強烈的Terroir風土條件,製做出如此純潔優雅的葡萄酒, 飲多了也不會頭痛,再配合m.a.x. concept旗下餐廳的精彩美食配搭, 精彩萬分 !!!
受法國弗日山脈的保護,亞爾蕯斯的葡萄園擁有半內陸性的氣侯 - 陽光充足、溫暖和乾燥. 。位於海拔200至400米之間,再加上各種不同的土壤如花崗石、石灰石、片麻岩、片岩、沙岩,令亞爾蕯斯的葡萄可享受漫長的成長季節,因此釀製出非常優雅、清純又複雜的葡萄酒款。
我們誠意邀請你參予兩個釀酒師晚宴,讓各位感受一吓這個清純的感覺 !!
1) Josmeyer Grand Cru at PEARL ON THE PEAK
山頂明珠之祖美亞酒莊特級糸列晚宴 (山頂):
2010年5月22日星期六 晚上7:00-10:30
每位 HK$928.00 / HK$788.00 (八五折價錢)
2) Simplylife Foodplace 之 Josmeyer (中環花園道3號花旗銀行地下):
2010年5月24日星期一 晚上7:00-10:30
每位: HK$588.00 / HK$499.00 (八五折價錢)
門劵已開始預售,有興趣的朋友請聯絡村鄉葡萄園(國際)訂座,電話: 2395 1293 或電郵致
梁雅婷 (Ada Leung)

Alsatian Cuisine-inspired Winemaker Dinner,
Saturday, 22 May, 2010, 7:00 —10:30pm
HK$928/ HK$788.00 NET per person for Cottage Vineyards E-mail list members
Josmeyer ‘Fleur de Lotus’ 2006 (40%Gewürztrainer /50% Pinot Blanc / Pinot Auxerrois/ Pinot Gris/5%Riesling/5%Muscat)
1st Course
Josmeyer Riesling Brand Grand Cru 2007
Classic seafood sampler with iced peacock abalone
精選海鮮拼盆, 冰鎮孔雀鮑魚.
2nd Course
Josmeyer Pinot Blanc ‘Mise du Printemps’ 2007 (80% Pinot Auxerrois / 20% Pinot Blanc)
Asperges-jambon aux 3 sauces: White Asparagus-ham with three sauces 旋轉三色汁浸阿爾薩斯白露筍火腿片
3rd Course
Josmeyer Pinot Gris Hengst Grand Cru 2001
Foie Gras Terrine served with toasted brioche, balsamic, kumquat, red grape carpaccio and baby arugula, radish, yellow endive, leeks, and grain mustard sauce
4th Course
Josmeyer Gewurztraminer ‘Les Folastries’ 2008
Curry de poisson à la thaïlandaise:
Thai-inspired Fish Curry 泰香咖喱湯燴魚背
5th Course
Josmeyer Pinot Noir ‘Herrenweg’ 2005
Baeckeoffe (“Baker’s Oven” served with choucroute (Sauerkraut) flavoured with bacon and simmered in Champagne 法式濃汁白酒墩煮一品煱 (豬、牛、羊)
6th Course
Josmeyer Gewürztraminer Vendanges Tardives 2002 Alsatian Apple Tart

Organic Cuisine Winemaker Dinner,
24 May, 2010, 7:00—10:30pm
HK$588 / HK$499.00 NET per person for Cottage Vineyards E-mail list members
Josmeyer ‘Gris-Gris’ 2005 (30 % Pinot Auxerrois, 30 % Pinot Blanc, 35 % Pinot Gris and 5 % Pinot Noir)
1st Course
Josmeyer Pinot Blanc ‘Mise du Printemps’ 2007 (80% Pinot Auxerrois / 20% Pinot Blanc)
Frisee Salad with mustard dressing, lardoons and
onsen egg
煙肉菊苣沙律. 芥末计. 溫泉蛋
2nd Course
Josmeyer Pinot Gris ‘Le Fromenteau’
Risotto of wild forest mushroom and black truffle
3rd Course
Josmeyer Gewürztraminer ‘Les Folastries’ 2005
Jumbo lump crabmeat cake with harissa
特大蟹肉餅, 突尼西亞辣醬
4th Course
Josmeyer Riesling ‘Les Pierrets’ 2003
Grilled Boston Lobster Tails in Natural Sea Salt served with green asparagus, clarified butter and a wedge of lemon 海鹽扒燒波士頓龍蝦尾
5th Course
Josmeyer Pinot Noir ‘Herrenweg’ 2005
Gourmet chicken burger with Portobello mushroom and gruyere cheese served with a sauerkraut slaw, oven-dried tomato and crispy back bacon
6th Course
Josmeyer Gewürztraminer Vendage Tardive 2002
Orange Savarin with whipped cream