2008年8月31日 星期日

BP 好友會江南

友人 B&P 小姐到訪,相約一同到嚼江南晚膳。


點了數款小菜 (數款 ,品嚐了一支美酒,寫意悠閒了幾小時。

餐前有一小插曲 ~ 餐廳不收開瓶費,但只提供水杯。

要求高的我們,實不忍心把 Barolo 倒在水杯!二話不說,P 小姐便走回停車場,在車子內取出一盒潔淨酒杯。



5:00pm 原瓶透氣,8:30pm 帶到餐廳享用。

Giovanni Rosso Barolo Serralunga DOCG 2002

Garnet Red with subtle orangey highlights.

Dry, high in acidity, tannin & alcohol.

Fragrant, very floral (rose), sweet-smelling, red berries & raspberry with hints of licorice & spice. Full-bodied, a milk chocolate, berries & blackcurrant leaf aftertaste. Harmonious and balanced.




~ 香脆鳳尾魚

~ 菜肉雲吞 (清甜)

~ 手爪羊 (好正)

~ 清炒小唐菜

~ 水煮牛肉 (辣味不足)

~ 口水雞 (美味)

~ 素菌鍋巴

~ 生煎飽 (餡料太濕、不夠乾身)

~ 豆沙鍋餅

mw 26-08-2008


2008年8月27日 星期三

日月連珠八二二、袁師率表會南洋 ; 百方英武聞風至、祥雲瑞雨轉久重 。

日月連珠八二二、袁師率表會南洋 ;   

百方英武聞風至、祥雲瑞雨轉久重 。


在編排程序時,都是預留多點空間好些,又或是保留一個 Plan B

我們的 Plan B 就是把 "822" 變了 "919"。

多謝大家的踴躍支持,原先報名參加 "822" 的朋友,大部份都會出席 "919" 晚宴;只剩下少量空缺可供其他朋友參加。未能有位的,只好再次安排在 waiting list。






FULL 啦! (28-08-08  10:00) 

Rare Wines, Harmonious Polar Pairings @ Pearl on the Peak

Dear Wine Lover,


We invite you to participate in another historic event in the international culinary world.  Thursday 18th September, 2008, Cottage Vineyards (International) will be holding one highly gastronomic nine-wine, five-course wine dinner entitled "Rare Wines, Harmonious Polar Pairings", demonstrating the rare, harmonious co-existence of "polared pairings" in the art of wine and food pairing.  (Polar pairings are the pairing of each dish with TWO completely different style wines, for e.g., a delicate, floral wine with a powerful wine).


The setting will be in the beautiful innovative modern international cuisine restaurant, Pearl on the Peak which features floor-to-ceiling glass walls, thus allowing you to enjoy Hong Kong's high-elevation breathtaking scenic night views, while immersing yourself in the luxuries of good food, good wine, and of course, good company!


Wines featured in this dinner are rare indeed as we will pitting the gastronomic Belgium vintage fruit wines of Les Vins de Roisin against the rare wines of Jura, including the region's famous mysterious Vin Jaune ("Yellow Wine"), in our pairing with delicacies such as:  air-freight pearl meat, seared foie gras, tiger prawn with scampi custard, roasted duck breast and chestnut risotto, etc.


In this dinner, you will be able to experience the effects of polar pairings with these rare and little-known wines, all led by one of the winemakers himself, Mr.  Ludovic Boucart of Les Vins de Roisin.


Below are the nine wines:

1.  Frederic Lornet Cremant du Jura Rose NV (95% Poulsard/5%Pinot Noir) ($198.00)

2.  Les Vins de Roisin L'Effervescence de Roisin' 2006 (Sparkling Rhubarb) ($358.00)

3.  Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Coing (Quince) (500mL) ($228.00)

4.  Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Rhubarbe 2002 (Rhubarb) (500mL) ($228.00)

5.  Frederic Lornet Arbois Vin Jaune 2000 (Savagnin) (620 mL) ($678.00)

6.  Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Cerise 2002 (Cherry) (500mL) ($228.00)

7.  Frederic Lornet Arbois Trousseau des Dames 2006 ($258.00)

8.  Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Fraise 2003 (Strawberry) ($228.00)

9.  Frederic Lornet Macvin du Jura ($228.00)


Attached is the menu to this exciting event.


As seats are limited, please reserve and purchase TICKETS IN ADVANCE by contacting us by Tel.  at 2395 1293 or Email at tastings@cottagevineyards.com.


Hope to see you at our events!


Yours sincerely,


Ada Leung

Managing Director

Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited



‘Rare Wines, Harmonious Polar Pairings’ Winemaker Dinner

Les Vins de Roisin (Roisin, BELGIUM) vs.  Frédéric Lornet (Jura, FRANC)

Thursday 18th September, 2008

Starring Winemaker Mr.  Ludovic Boucart of Les Vins de Roisin


Frédéric Lornet Crémant du Jura Rosé NV (95%Poulsard/5%Pinot Noir) 侏羅氣泡玫瑰紅


air-freight pearl meat flash fried with shiitake, chive buds, ginger and soy, served on a mother-of-pearl shell


Frédéric Lornet Crémant du Jura Rosé NV (95%Poulsard/5%Pinot Noir) 侏羅氣泡玫瑰紅

Les Vins de Roisin ‘L’Effervescence de Roisin’ 2006 (Sparkling Rhubarb) 大黃氣泡果酒


seared foie gras on toasted brioche with ginger infused cumquat and orange marmalade and

a baby shoot salad

香煎法國鵝肝 (多士加薑汁、金桔、香橙果醬及沙律)

Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Coing 2002 (Quince) 太平洋溫桲果酒


tiger prawn with scampi custard, caramelised fuji apple, asparagus puree, french cider butter sauce and crab roe salt

蟹子鹽虎蝦伴大蝦  (焦糖富士蘋果、蘆筍醬、法國蘋果酒奶油醬及蟹黃)

Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Rhubarbe 2002 (Rhubarb) 大黃果酒

Frédéric Lornet Arbois Vin Jaune 2000 (Savagnin) 黃酒


roasted duck breast and chestnut risotto with shallots and wilted radicchio


Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Cerise 2002 (Cherry) 櫻桃果酒

Frédéric Lornet Arbois Trousseau des Dames 2006 土梭


closton stilton panna cotta


Les Vins de Roisin Vin de Fraise 2003 (Strawberry) 草莓果酒

Frédéric Lornet Macvin du Jura 侏羅葡萄皮香甜酒


HK$788.00 +10% service charge per person


2008年8月23日 星期六

波爾多紅酒與中國菜共賞 @ 澳門舫

Wines of the Night:


Ch Lamothe de Haux Blanc 2005 – Bordeaux Sec

Grape varieties : Sauvignon Blanc 40%, Sémillon 40%, Muscadelle 20%

Chateau Le Thil Blanc - a white from Pessac Leognan

Grape Varieties: Sauvignon Blanc 50%, Semillon 50%


Chateau Saint Michel 2004

Classification: Bordeaux Supérieur, France

Grape Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc

Chateau Louvie Veyry 2004

Classification: Bordeaux, Saint Emilion Grand Cru, France

Grape Varieties: Merlot 80%, Cabernet Franc 20%

Chateau Belle-Vue 2004

Classification: Haut Médoc, Bordeaux, France

Grape Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon 40%, Merlot 34%, Petit Verdot 25%, Carmenere 1%

Moulis : Chateau Poujeaux 2004

Robert Parker Rating : 90

Classification: Moulis, Bordeaux, France (Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel)

Grape Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon 50%, Merlot 40%, Cabernet Franc 5%, and 5% Petit Verdot


Cadillac: Chateau Manos 2005

Grape varieties: 100% Sémillon


Interested, please contact:

Mr. Eric Hung (9031-3100)

Senior Manager

Vins Gallery Limited

Tel : 2372.9363

Fax : 2372.9369

See you there ! 


*****   *****   *****   *****

It was a fun and enjoyable night !

Glad in meeting new classmates & friends !



MW 06-09-2008


2008年8月5日 星期二

日月連珠八二二、袁師率表會南洋 (改期)


A special date to remember ~~ 22nd August 2008 (Friday).

Damon Sir's first time ~ 

Matching food & wine enhance to both and delight this Summer

at South Pacific Hotel Ballroom.



Date :               22nd August 2008 (Friday)

Venue :            South Pacific Hotel (Tel: 28311298)

                        23 Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Cost :               HK$ 598 (food + wine)

Capacity :         Max of 100 persons (first in first served) [ FULL ! ]

Dress Code :     Smart Casual


In order to make this party more "colourful", here are some suggestions on the Dress Code.

For Ladies ~ with 'red' or 'orange' (not only the lips and bags).

For Gentlemen ~ with 'blue' or 'green'.



6:00 pm – 8:00 pm:     Wine Tasting

~ Taste up to a total of 30 wines sponsored by:

(1) Jebsen & Company Limited, (2) Wiseville International Limited, (3) Chinese Wine Trading Company Limited, and (4) Cottage Vineyards (International)

8:00 pm:       Dinner

9:00 pm:       Blind Tasting Competition

10:00 pm:      Karaoke

10:30 pm:      Lucky Draw

11:30 pm:      Farewell

Enrollment Procedure


Tickets to be purchased in advance for this wine party.


For non-STS wine classmates, please leave me a "Private Message" with your email address & contact number. I will further advise payment details accordingly.


The dead-line for enrolment will be closed on 18  August 2008.


We look forward to seeing you.






[ 新曆八月二二亦是舊曆七月二二 ,即新舊重,亦含由舊創新之意 ;袁師率表內含“師表”,“率表”示有“率領” 一眾的而 “會師”南洋酒店 ,一句含三意。 ]

再次謝過 AM


New Plan B ~~




2008年8月2日 星期六



不經不覺又到星期五, 日子過得真快!

朋友 A 君專程致電問候近況,還問近來到過什麼好地方、有什麼好介紹?

真抱歉,整個七月因種種原因,如非 必出席不可的約會,都會婉拒!


剛剛發現,老友記 V 仔反而很勤力,已把最近的幾個聚會放了上 Blog




