2007年10月31日 星期三

Halloween - funny dog dog


A friend sent me these funny pictures !


mw 31-10-2007


2007年10月30日 星期二

Happy Birthday ~ 海鮮篇


LK 到機場接機。見面時問我想到哪裡晚膳慶祝生日。

毫不猶疑、二話不說便著他快載我到流浮山 我的海鮮飯堂 - 歡樂海鮮酒家。





mw 19-10-2007


香檳配海鮮, 無懈可擊 !

Moet 2000 Brut


野生鮑魚 - 我的至愛 !

滑滑鮮甜 三刀魚 

2007年10月25日 星期四

Paolo Scavino Wine Dinner @ The Peninsula

Paolo Scavino Wine Dinner

Tuesday, 13th November 2007



Les canapés façon du chef

Sorriso 2004

Barbera d'Alba 2005

Royale de topinambours à la truffe blanche d’Alba

Jerusalem artichoke custard with white Alba truffles

Barolo DOCG 2001

Risotto au Parmesan et joue de bœuf braisée au vin rouge,

crème de raifort et bouillon de queue de bœuf

Parmesan risotto with red wine-braised beef cheeks, horseradish cream and oxtail bouillon

Barolo Carobic 2000

Filet de St Pierre confit, coulis de citrons Siciliennes et sauce vierge

John Dory confit with Sicilian lemon coulis and olive oil dressing

Langhe Bianco 2005

Poulet de Bresse cuit lentement à la croûte de truffe blanche,

cuisse farcie et rôtie, sauce au Porto blanc

Slow-cooked Bresse chicken with white truffle crust, filled roasted leg and white Port sauce

Barolo Bric del Fiasc 2001

Composition de fromage et truffe blanche d’Alba

Composition of cheese and white Alba truffle

Barolo Rocche dell'Annunziata Riserva 1998

Glace et sabayon à la truffe blanche d’Alba

White Alba truffle ice cream and sabayon

Barolo Rocche dell'Annunziata Riserva 1998

Moka ou thé Peninsula

Mocha or Peninsula tea

Petits fours

HK$ 3,888 plus 10% service charge per person


Re:  Paolo Scavino Wine Dinner @ The Peninsula (13th Nov 2007)

Paolo Scavino is already recognized worldwide for his "spectacular Barolos" (Robert parker).  He has won 14 Three Glasses awards from Gambero Rosso.

A great opportunity to taste a range of Paolo Scavino wines, expertly paired with specially prepared menus at The Peninsula and meet the people behind the wines.

Reservations or enquiries:

 Mr. Eric Hung   (Mobile: 9031 3100)

 Wine Culture Limited  (Tel: 28101186)

 16/F., Wyndham Place,

 40-44 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong.


mw 25-10-2007 

2007年10月21日 星期日

Italy Piedmont (1) ~ I am back !

Due to an accidental family matter with my partner, we were unable to visit Burgundy this time!

Only staying in Piedmont for the whole trip.

However, it was an experienced and pleasant journey.

I hope I can share some more about my trip and the scenery of the hilly Langhe with you asap.

mw 20-10-2007

2007年10月8日 星期一

外遊啟示 – Italy Piedmont & Burgundy

已經三年沒有正式放大假了! 這是一個期待已久的旅程!

Italian partner 話我一抵達機場, 便可把整個人交托給他,

他會作二十四小時貼身保鏢, 確保我絲毫無損。


mw 07-10-2007

2007年10月4日 星期四

Burgundy Wine Dinner @Harvey Nichols ( part 2 )


Thank you so much for Ming Ng, the Sommelier of Harvey Nichols in providing the following tasting notes !


 Alfred Gratien Cuvee Brut Champagne

Fine & persistent mousse, fruity and toasted aromas,

very well balanced.


Bourgogne Blanc, Domain Leroy 1997

Aged chardonnay style, very intense and elegant.

Aromas with a touch of lime, apple, blue cheese cantaloupe

and a little toasted light acidity. Medium-bodied.


Chambolle Musigny, A.-F. Gros 2003

Round, smooth, a brilliant red color.

Aromas of raspberries and wild violets.

Light to medium-bodied.

I think 2003 need to be kept 3 – 5 years.


Vosne Romanee Premier Cru - Gros Frere & Soeur 2004

Very aromatic, full-bodied with sweet spice on nose,

ripe fruity aromas, vanilla and oak hints complemented with

vanilla & clove hints & tobacco.


Clos de Vougeot de “Musigni” Grand Cru - Gros Frere & Soeur 2004

Full-bodied, elegant with black truffle, black pepper & red berry aromas

and flavors.  Well- balanced.


Grands Echezeaux Grand Cru - Gros Frere & Soeur 2004

Wonderful wine, young but elegant touch a little star anise,

ripe fruit, game, rose & black cherry aromas.

Keep, keep & keep.


mw 29-09-2007 

Burgundy Wine Dinner @Harvey Nichols ( part 1 )

拖延了半年的 Burgundy Wine Dinner 終於在一眾好友的歡樂聲中結束了,

希望各出席的朋友都可盡興而歸。 再次多謝大家支持!


Harvey Nichols 的環境清靜, 氣氛很好, 舒適寬敞,有格調。


但整體也算不錯!個人很喜歡那個 鵝肝,外脆內軟,味道甘香,


主菜的 烤鴿胸 也很理想,嫩滑味濃,口感非常!


餐廳方面的服務 態度殷勤、體貼、甚週到。

特別是那裡的 Sommelier - Ming哥,由我最初與他聯絡安排餐單、酒單、

人數、坐位編排到當日的開酒及上餐時間, 他都主動一一細細心心的

與我商議, 一點也不馬虎 。工作態度之認真及敬業樂業都值得一讚!


Wines of the night :

Ø          Alfred Gratien Cuvee Brut Champagne

Ø          Bourgogne Blanc, Domain Leroy 1997

Ø          Chambolle Musigny, A.-F. Gros 2003

Ø          Vosne Romanee Premier Cru, Gros Frere & Soeur 2004

Ø          Clos de Vougeot de “Musigni” Grand Cru, Gros Frere & Soeur 2004

Ø          Grands Echezeaux Grand Cru, Gros Frere & Soeur 2004

Ø          Muscat St Jean de Minervois, Sacre Coeur 2005


很想寫一些有關當晚的酒後感,但實在太忙。 遲些再補回吧!

好友在席間提議再辦一個 “進階”Burgundy wine dinner, why not ?


熱切期待下一次的 “進階酒宴”。

mw 29-09-2007