2008年5月31日 星期六

准加單寧酸木碎添香 - 法國政府放寬釀製限制


准加單寧酸木碎添香 放寬釀製限制 (明報) 05月 31日 星期六 05:10AM

【明報專訊】近年法國 酒銷量下跌,為力挽狂瀾,法國政府放寬釀製限制,首次容許釀酒廠在酒中加入單寧酸、木碎及其他外國技術,以迎合果味酒的全球大趨勢,法國業界強調,新制針對的是「入門飲家」。

法國一向對果酒嗤之以鼻,認為果酒簡單及格式化,然而法國酒在過去15年來銷量一直下跌,被美國 澳洲 等地的果酒追上。

總統定5年計劃 盼重奪市場

有見美國酒及澳洲酒近年大受歡迎,銷量急升,法國總統薩爾科齊 (Nicholas Sarkozy)定下5年計劃,放寬法國酒的釀製限制,例如容許在酒中加入單寧酸等,以配合潮流;酒廠亦可在法國任何地方,種植釀製阿薩斯(Alsace)白酒的傳統葡萄等,希望法國酒在5年內重奪市場。


質素影響不大 業界普遍接受

法國放寬製酒限制,雖然可能引來純酒愛好者的不滿,但法國釀酒業界普遍接受新制度。巴黎  麗嘉酒店首席品酒師呂埃(Jean Ruet)說﹕「(新制度下)法國酒的質素不會下降至美國酒般,他們的粉紅酒十分甜,而且多氣得像梳打。」

吸引「入門飲家」 銷量

法國業界強調,新制主要針對「入門飲家」,推廣「入門級別」的法國酒,其他法定產酒區的品質監控不變,呂埃說﹕「這是讓新顧客一嘗法國酒的好方法。」但他質疑把橡木加進以鋼桶釀製的酒,使其加添木味是否好。不過法國飲酒專業協會主席阿戈斯蒂尼(Jerome Agostini)認為﹕「年輕一代的顧客,需要較簡單、有甜味及香味的酒,因它們較易入口。你不能反對加入木碎,我們需以木碎加添木味。」



2008年5月30日 星期五

稱中國地震為報應 - 莎朗史東道歉


稱中國地震為報應 莎朗史東道歉 (法新社) 05月 30日 星期五 00:20AM


(法新社北京    二十九日電) 好萊塢女星莎朗史東日前稱中國大地震造成慘重傷亡,是中國政府對西藏    政策的「因果報應」,這番言論引發中國方面憤怒回應,對此莎朗史東已表示歉意。

莎朗史東是法國    精品製造商迪奧的超級名模,今天她透過迪奧在中國分公司發布聲明,提議願協助地震救災工作。




根據 YouTube上廣為流傳的影片,莎朗史東當時說,「我不樂見中國對待西藏人的方式,因為我認為,任何人都不該對別人不仁慈。」


  迪奧 (Dior) 中國分公司也發布聲明,與莎朗史東劃清界線。

More news:



2008年5月26日 星期一

大家要做個精明既 "善長人翁"


許多知名的機構,行政費用竟然高達七八成,原因是他們高薪厚職,聘請行政人員,最可恨的,還聘請公關公司給他們籌募經費,費用每每以分紅支付,大家捐錢可要小心。大家要做個精明既 “善長人翁”...


































Tks Alex.

2008年5月25日 星期日

Business 101 - 婚姻投資分析 (part 2)


"我下面要說的都是心里話。本人25歲,非常漂亮,是那種讓人驚艷的漂亮,談吐文雅,有品位,想嫁給年薪 50萬美元的人。

你也可以說我貪心,但在紐約年薪100萬才算是中產, 本人的要求其實不高。

這個版上有沒有年薪超過 50萬的人?你們都結婚了嗎?我想請教各位一個問題——怎樣才能嫁給你們這樣的有錢人?

我約會過的人中,最有錢的年薪 25萬,這似乎是我的上限。要住進紐約中心公園以西的高尚住宅區,年薪25萬遠遠不夠。


一、有錢的單身漢一般都在哪里消磨時光? (請列出酒吧、飯店、健身房的名字和詳細地址。)



四、你們怎麼決定誰能做妻子,誰只能做女朋友? (我現在的目標是結婚。)"——波爾斯女士

*****   *****   *****








用華爾街術語說,每筆交易都有一個倉位,跟你交往屬于"交易倉位"(trading position),一旦價值下跌就要立即拋售,





Business 101 - 婚姻投資分析 (part 1)

Although the contents are long, it's worth to read !


The response to the inquiry is the best, so read the whole thing.


What am I doing wrong ?

Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm a beautiful
(spectacularly beautiful) 25 years old girl. I'm articulate and classy.
I'm not from New York. I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes
at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in
mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I
don't think I'm overreaching at all.

Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives?
Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that's where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won't get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she's not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:

- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars,
restaurants, gyms

- What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won't hurt my

- Is there an age range I should be targeting (I'm 25)?

- Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east
side so plain? I've seen really 'plain jane' boring types who have
nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I've seen drop
dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What's the
story there?

- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment
banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?

- How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for

Please hold your insults - I'm putting myself out there in an honest
way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I'm being up front
about it. I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't
able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a
nice home and hearth.

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial

PostingID: 432279810

Dear Pers-431649184:
I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully
about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament.
Firstly, I'm not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your
bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here's how I
see it.

Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple
cr@ppy business deal. Here's why. Cutting through all the B.S., what
you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I
bring my money. Fine, simple. But here's the rub, your looks will fade
and my money will likely continue into perpetuity...in fact, it is
very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty
that you won't be getting any more beautiful!

So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning
asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation
accelerates! Let me explain, you're 25 now and will likely stay pretty
hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins
in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!

So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a
buy and hold...hence the rub...marriage. It doesn't make good business
sense to "buy you" (which is what you're asking) so I'd rather lease.
In case you think I'm being cruel, I would say the following. If my
money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need
an out. It's as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not

Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets.
So, I wonder why a girl as "articulate, classy and spectacularly
beautiful" as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. 
I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn't found you, if not only for a tryout.

By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and
then we wouldn't need to have this difficult conversation.

With all that said, I must say you're going about it the right way.
Classic "pump and dump".
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of
lease, let me know.

2008年5月22日 星期四

Wine & Food Tasting Dinner @ The Lane Bar & Restaurant


Wines of the Night

La Salle de Poujeaux 2001

La Salle de Poujeaux 2000

Chateau Poujeaux 2004

Chateau Poujeaux 2000

Clos Fourtet 2000

Clos Fourtet 1999

Les Plantes du Mayne 2005

Chateau Grand-Mayne 2004

Chateau Grand-Mayne 2000

Chateau Grand-Mayne 1995

*****   *****   *****


Botan Ebi on Turmip Smootie

Smoked Salmon Quenelle

Foie Gras Tortellini

Sea Urchin on Rich Saffron

Jumbo Scallop with Marutomo and Black Bean Sauce

Duck Confit with Little Brussels

Grilled Chilean Seabass with Purple Yam and Braised Carrot,

or Roasted St. Louis Pork Ribs with US Bourbon Sauce,

or Char-grilled US CAB Rib-eye Steak

HK$880 Net per person

 Clos Fourtet

Premier Grand Cru Classé B, St Emilion, Bordeaux, France

Clos Fourtet 2000

Robert Parker rating: 90

Clos Fourtet 1999

Robert Parker rating: 88

Chateau Grand Mayne

Grand Cru Classé, St Emilion, Bordeaux, France

Chateau Grand Mayne 2004

Robert Parker rating: 89

Chateau Grand Mayne 2000

Robert Parker rating: 93

Chateau Grand Mayne 1995

Robert Parker rating: 90

Les Plants du Mayne

Saint-Emilion Grand Cru, is the second wine of Château Grand

Mayne since 1986 vintage.

Chateau Poujeaux


Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnels (CBE)

Chateau Poujeaux 2004

Robert Parker Rating: 90

Chateau Poujeaux 2000

Robert Parker Rating: 88

Second label: La Salle de Poujeaux 2000 and 2001


More details, please contact:

Eric Hung (Mobile: 9031-3100)

Senior Manager

Vins Gallery Limited


 I look forward to seeing you there! 


Petits Chateaux @ Harvey Nichols

Dear Wine Lover,


Most people's impression of Bordeaux are the 1855 classified first growths of Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Chateau Latour, Chateau Margaux, Chateau Haut-Brion, and Chateau Mouton Rothschild.


Beyond these Gargantuan wines however, Bordeaux hosts a number of high quality smaller estates, 'petits chateaux', producing wines which can be just as greatly memorable in their own way, yet be far less damaging for the pocketbook.


This coming Saturday 24th May, 2008 and Tuesday 27th May, 2008, we invite you to join two joint Bordeaux winemaker dinners at Club Bel-Air and 4/F., Harvey Nichols Restaurant of 'Petits Chateaudx, Big Wines', where you can sample boutique wines from three of Bordeaux's best little estates:  Chateau de Plassan, 1er Cotes de Bordeaux, Chateau Magneau, Graves, and Clos les Remparts/Clos Dady, Graves.  Mr.  Gilles Brianceau, Winemaker of Chateau de Plassan and Mr.  Bruno Ardurats, Winemaker of Chateau Magneau will be present to introduce you to their estate and wines.  All the wines served are big winners in SOPEXA Hong Kong's own 'Everyday Bordeaux' 2007 and 2008 programmes.


Please call Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited at Tel.  2395 1293, or email your reservation to tastings@cottagevineyards.com to reserve a seat in what we guarantee to be an experience you will never forget!


Yours sincerely,


Ada Leung

Managing Director

Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited


Petits Bordeaux Châteaux Winemaker Dinner

On 27th May 2008

4/F., Harvey Nichols Restaurant,

Landmark, Central, Hong Kong.


Pre-Dinner Tasting:  6:30pm to 7:45pm

·       Château Magneau Graves Blanc 2005 (45%Sauvignon Blanc / 40%Semillon / 15%Muscadelle)

·       Château de Bastard Sauternes 2004 (90% Semillon, 10% Sauvignon/ A pinch of Muscadelle)

·       Clos Dady Sauternes 2004 (90% Semillon, 10% Sauvignon, and a pinch of Muscadelle)

·       Clos Dady La Dolce Vita Sauternes 2001 (375mL) 


Dinner:  7:45pm

Langoustine foie gras terrine, bacon powder, carrot mousse with beef stock jelly,

Fuji apple sauce

Château Magneau Graves Blanc Cuvée Julien 2006

* * * * *

Spanish ham with baby spinach feta cheese ravioli, roasted cherry tomatoes, tomato air, smoked bacon cream sauce

Château Magneau Graves Rouge 2005

* * * * *

Fresh lime sorbet

* * * * *

Oven roasted black Angus beef with caramelized slow cooked foie gras, truffle

mixed vegetable terrine, braised short rib meat jus, drops of red wine reduction

Château de Plassan 1er Côtes de Bordeaux 2003

Clos Les Remparts Graves Rouge Tête de Cuvée 2006

* * * * *

Cheese plate

Villa Plassan Cadillac 2001

* * * * *

Coffee or Tea

Petits Fours


$680 +10% per person


Le French May promotion @ Le Mieux Bistro

Le French May Promotion

for you at

Le Mieux Bistro

May ~ busy for wine & food & arts

五月 ~ 一個酒界、飲食界十分忙碌的月份!




HONG KONG 27-28-29 MAY 2008



Le French May Arts Festival 2008

10 April - 15 June 2008




2008年5月18日 星期日

Robert Gerald Mondavi dead at 94


Winemaker Robert Mondavi dead at 94

The pioneering California vintner helped turn Napa Valley into a world center of the wine industry.


BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) -- Robert Gerald Mondavi (June 18, 1913 – May 16, 2008), the pioneering vintner who helped put California wine country on the map, passed away at his Napa Valley home the morning of May 16, 2008. He was 94.

Mondavi died peacefully at his home in Yountville, Calif., Robert Mondavi Winery spokeswoman Mia Malm said.

He was 52 and a winemaking veteran in 1966, when he opened the winery that would help turn the Napa Valley into a world center of the industry. Clashes with a brother that included a fistfight led him to break from the family business to carry out his ambitious plans with borrowed money.

At the time, California was still primarily known for cheap jug wines. But he set out to change that, championing the use of cold fermentation, stainless-steel tanks and French oak barrels, all commonplace in the industry today. He introduced blind tastings in Napa Valley, putting his wines up against French vintages, a bold move.

Always convinced that California wines could compete with the European greats, Mondavi engaged in the first French-American wine venture when he formed a limited partnership with legendary French vintner Baron Philippe de Rothschild to grow and make the ultra-premium Opus One at Oakville. The venture's first vintage was in 1979.

The success of the Mondavi winery allowed him to donate tens of millions of dollars to charity, but a wine glut and intense competition gradually cost his family control of the business. In 2004, the company accepted a buyout worth $1.3 billion from Fairport, N.Y.-based Constellation Brands (STZ, Fortune 500).

Mondavi was an enthusiastic ambassador for wine - especially California wine - and traveled the world into his 90s promoting the health, cultural and social benefits of its moderate consumption.

Born in Virginia, Minn., Mondavi got an economics degree from Stanford University in the 1930s and went to work at the Charles Krug Winery, which his Italian-born parents had bought after moving to California from Minnesota.

He married his high school sweetheart, Marjorie Declusin, in 1937, and they had 3 children: Michael, Marcia and Tim.

For 20 years, the winery was a family business. But Robert clashed frequently with his younger brother, Peter, who had a more conservative approach to business. According to Robert Mondavi's autobiography "Harvests of Joy," matters came to a head with a November 1965 fistfight.

"When it was all over, there were no apologies and no handshake," wrote Robert Mondavi.

In the late 1970s, Mondavi's first marriage ended; he wrote in his autobiography that his single-minded pursuit of the wine business was partly to blame. In 1980, he married a second time, to Margrit Biever, a native of Switzerland who had worked at the Mondavi winery since the late '60s.

By the mid-1990s, Mondavi had turned over operation of the company to his sons. But like their father and uncle before them, Tim and Michael clashed over management styles.

More troubles emerged as a grape glut soured the wine market in 2002, and lower-priced wines in the Mondavi portfolio faced tough competition from cheaper Australian imports and domestic brands like California's Two Buck Chuck.

Also a problem were the millions in charitable donations Mondavi and Margrit had pledged, including helping found Copia, The American Center for Wine, Food and the Arts, in Napa, and giving $35 million to the University of California, Davis.

In her 2007 book, "The House of Mondavi: The Rise and Fall of an American Wine Dynasty," author Julia Flynn Siler wrote that declining stock prices later left Mondavi in danger of not being able to cover the millions in gifts he and Margrit had promised.

A corporate restructuring in August 2004 boosted the company's stock price, but undercut the family's corporate control. By the time of the buyout, Michael Mondavi, who disagreed with the board strategy, had already left the company, and Tim Mondavi had loosened ties.

Later there was a bittersweet family moment when Robert and Peter Mondavi, aided by members of the younger generation, made wine together for the first time in 40 years. Using a 50-50 split of grapes from Robert Mondavi and Peter Mondavi family vineyards, the brothers made 1 barrel of a cabernet blend that sold for $401,000 at the 2005 Napa Valley wine auction.

The auction lot was called "Ancora Una Volta," or "Once Again."

First Published: May 16, 2008: 6:59 PM EDT

Source: CNN Money.com

Photo: from Oldtom with thanks.

2008年5月17日 星期六

意紅酒王疑混雜葡萄 - 美嚴控入口

意紅酒王疑混雜葡萄 美嚴控入口 (明報) 05月 17日 星期六 05:05AM

【明報專訊】一向標榜以100%意大利 傳統葡萄 Sangiovese 製成的意大利「紅酒王」Brunello di Montalcino,疑因混入其他葡萄,美國酒煙稅收與貿易局(ATTB)表示,下月9日起將全面禁止沒證書證明


含100%意大利傳統葡萄的 Brunello di Montalcino入口,以保障國民品嘗好酒的權利。

Brunello di Montalcino 是意大利著名紅酒王,在意大利托斯卡納省(Tuscany)著名酒區內的蒙塔爾奇諾(Montalcino)製造,每支售高達400鎊(約6073港元)。

Brunello di Montalcino 一向標榜以100%意大利傳統葡萄製造,並要在嚴緊監控的環境下製成,但它近日被指混入其他葡萄,意大利警方遂扣起100萬樽 Brunello di Montalcino調查。



兩年前,Casanova di Neri 出產的2001 Brunello紅酒被權威品酒雜誌《Wine Spectator》譽為全球最佳名酒;Brunello在意大利亦被譽為「酒王」。



港亦有售 最貴數千元

Brunello di Montalcino 本港亦有出售,飲食專欄撰稿人蔡洛堅表示,價錢由數百元至數千元不等,視乎哪間酒廠出品,但因港人普遍較喜歡法國酒,故此酒在港受歡迎程度僅一般。

蔡說,Sangiovese 是意大利本土品種葡萄,鮮見於其他地區,所有 Brunello di Montalcino的酒樽上均有封條指明以100%Sangiovese製成。部分酒廠只會在一棵葡萄樹上挑選小量最優質葡萄製酒,甚至剪掉樹上其他葡萄,令餘下葡萄可吸收更多養分,因此售價亦較高。所有採下的葡萄必須浸在酒桶 2 年,及至少 5 年後才可推出市場售賣。他說,該酒味道較濃厚,適宜長期存放,估計製酒商混入其他葡萄可能是想增加味道,或增加產量,如是後者便會令酒的質素變差。


迷路小女孩 ~ 小心 !小心!



***   ***   ***   ***   ***


我收到一封 Email 我和女兒討論,試探她是否會中招。

因此希望大家轉貼出去 等多D人睇到, 感謝!








殷勤籌劃的、足致豐裕。The plans of the diligent surely lead to profit. (Proverbs 21:5)

耶穌說:我來了、是要 叫人得生命、並且得的更豐盛 。
Jesus said that I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10


2008年5月14日 星期三


四川 發生 8 級大地震,地震的威力相當於 256 顆原子彈。

地震搖動半個亞洲,連本港、台灣 、泰國越南亦受波及。




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恆生銀行  (024)-267-175-123-001
中國銀行  (012)-806-0000-1617
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市民可致電 2802-0021查詢。

匯豐銀行  018-554444-001
恆生銀行  286-364385-003
中國銀行  012-883-0002-6662



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永隆銀行  020-601-0037-6352
中國銀行  012-875-1081-0855
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匯豐銀行: 001-537-000-012

中國銀行: 012-874-0010-5157



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集腋成裘、 奉獻愛心!

Every dollar counts;

Any kind gesture matters !


凝聚網上力量  參與四川賑災


對於在512(星期一) 剛剛發生的四川災難所帶來不幸,令到內地同胞痛失家園、至親至愛慘逢劇變的遭遇,我們深表哀痛及致以深切的慰問。這突如其來的災難,無情地奪去超過一萬四千名寶貴生命,直接影響高達一億人口的生計。社會各界現正進行多方面的救危、援助工作,協助遭遇不幸的同胞早日脫離苦難。我們藉此呼籲所有「.hk」客戶和同業好友慷慨捐款,更透過正籌備「網上賑災」網站,凝聚網上力量,使各界更快、有效地獲得有關四川賑災的資訊和作出相應關懷行動。


1.      十八區民政事務處的二十個公眾諮詢中心及各區郵局(流動郵局除外), 將於辦公時間內會集市民捐款。

2.          市民請盡量以支票方式捐款,支票抬頭須寫上「香港特別行政區政府」。捐款人士將可獲發收據。

3.          市民亦可將現金捐款交入香港上海豐銀行戶口「502-256803-001」。

團結就是力量!請即行動,將希望送達四川災區。有關進一步資料,請留意稍後的新聞稿公佈。如有任何查詢,請電郵 donations@hkdnr.hk

香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司  謹啟


慘  不  忍   睹

一聲聲的哀號與呼喚, 駭人聽聞的浩劫, 超過 1.2 萬人死亡, 百萬人無家可歸.

四川大地震震動全國, 災情嚴峻, 哀鴻遍野, 滿目頹垣, 慘狀震撼像人間煉獄.

災民暴露於大雨及低溫下, 缺乏食物及禦寒物資, 他們極須要救助和等待援手.

你們有舊衣舊棉被嗎, 有盡力捐款嗎, 請向災區與災民提供物質援助, 多一雙援手

多一份援助, 多一份捐獻多一份幫忙. 請勿視若無睹, 拯救災難同胞於水深火熱之中.


代災民謝謝/美堅何 (Talentech Ltd)

2008年5月11日 星期日



*****   *****   *****   *****   *****

身為一個教官 我覺得以下資訊蠻重要的
女孩子記得多看幾次喔  .

昨晚我參加一個安全防範的研習會,讓我很驚嘆!這場研習會是由一個叫 Pat Malone 的人主持,他是知名人士的保鑣,也為 FBI 工作,並教授警察及海軍的 SEALS 徒手格鬥。
1. 警方的

2. 假如歹徒向你要皮夾或錢包,不要遞給他,而是將皮夾或錢包往遠處丟去。歹徒很可能 對財物比對你有興趣,他會去拿皮夾或錢包,這是你逃跑的機會。往反方向拼命跑!
A. 要警覺 環顧四周;察看車內的乘客座和後座。(接近車子時,留意車底。)
B. 假如你的車子停在箱型車旁,則應該從乘客車門進入你的車子。許多連續殺人犯都是趁著女性要進入車中時,將她們拖進箱型車中加害。
C. 觀察停放在你左右兩邊的車子。如果有男性單獨坐在最近的鄰車內,最好回到購物中心或辦公室,找保全人員或警察陪你回去。 寧願防患未然,也不要終生遺憾。 (大驚小怪總比喪命好。) 

6. 永遠 搭電梯,不要走樓梯。(樓梯間是一個可怕的地方,容易讓人形單影隻,變成最好的犯罪場所。 )

7. 假如歹徒有槍而你並沒有受到他的控制,
一定要跑! 一百次中,只有四次歹徒會襲擊逃跑的目標;即使他攻擊你,大多不會是致命的部位,要跑!    
8. 身為女性,我們總是發揮同情心: 不要再這樣! 這樣會增加被強暴或是殺害的機會。一個叫泰得邦迪( Ted Bundy )的連續殺人犯就是一個相貌堂堂並且受過良好教育的人, 總是 利用女性的同情心。他走路時帶著一根手杖或是跛行,經常要求別人「幫忙」他進入車內或是看一下他的車子,趁機綁架受害者。
最近有人告訴我,他的朋友在晚上聽到門口有嬰兒在哭,不過當時已經很晚了,而且她認為這件事很奇怪,於是她打電話給警察。警察告訴她:「無論如何,絕對不要開門。」這位女士表示那聲音聽起來像是嬰兒爬到窗戶附近哭,她擔心嬰兒會爬到街上,被車子碾過。警察告訴她:我們已經派人前往,無論如何 不能開門 警方認為這是一個連續殺人犯,利用嬰兒哭聲的錄音帶,誘使女性以為有人在外面遺棄嬰兒,騙她們出門察看。雖然尚未證實此事,但是警方已經接到許多女性打電話來說,他們晚上獨自在家時,聽到門外有嬰兒的哭聲,請將這個消息傳給其他人,不要因為聽到嬰兒的哭聲而開門。
請嚴肅看待這封電子郵件因為上星期六「美國頭號通緝犯」( America's Most Wanted)節目中,報導路易斯安那州的連續殺人犯時提到了「哭泣嬰兒」的假設


人生活不只靠餅,而也靠天主口中所發的一切言語。(瑪 4:4) 

2008年5月9日 星期五

2008年5月7日 星期三

Dinner Party @ The Lane


星期六晚老友記生日 ~ 流浮山海鮮酒宴。飯後移師私人會所繼續下半場。

星期日,榮幸地在 J 小姐家中作客,享受美酒、豐富骨膠原晚宴。

今晚 與 AWC10 的酒友們渡過一個愉快的晚上。

席間有些朋友告訴我,很喜歡我個 Blog,因為人生觀很鼓勵性、積極、樂觀。如果心情欠佳時,會看看我提議的態度及方法,可以醒醒神。如果是真的,我實在太開心了!不期望每個朋友都喜歡自己,只希望起碼有些朋友會欣賞自己所做、所說的!謝謝!

mw 05-05-2008

Wine of the Night

Tenuta Terre Nere Bianco, Sicilia, IGT, Italy 2005

The Terre Nere is comprised of 100% Nerello Mascalese, a native Sicilian grape, grown in the Guardiola vineyard at 800-900 meters above sea level on the north side of Mount Etna.

Irvine Pinot Gris, Eden Valley, South Australia 2006

Very much the Alsace style with power and deep flavour of ripe pear.  It is soft, full and rich and somewhat like the green Packham pear when fully ripe.  So much fruit in the taste without sugar, and deep unctuous flavour, leaving the palate clean and rewarded.

Caggiano Antonio Fiagre, IGT, Campania, Italy 2005

The wine is a blend of Fiano and Greco partially aged in barriques; the colour is brilliant straw yellow with intense pear, tangerine and mixed fruits bouquet with white flowers and orange blossoms.  The flavour is full, fresh, and persistent with a spicy and tangy acidity.

Markus Molitor Trabacher Schlossberg Spatburgunder, Mosel Valley, Germany 2002

The plentiful rainfall meant we had to select strictly for healthy grapes, resulting unfortunately in yields of little more than 20 hl/ha. However, water management in this vintage was good, resulting in wines high in extract and minerals, with elegant, typical Brugundy fruit, cherry notes on the nose. Decidedly hearty and dry, with firm but not aggressive tannins. A juicy, animating style that also promises good maturation potential.

Chateau Moulin La Graviere, AOC Pomerol, France 2002

Ruby colour. Lots of red fruits, sweet spicy in aromas & palate. Well balanced with fine tannins & elegant fruit acidity; ends with a clean & firm finish.

Cascabel Fleurieu Shiraz, McLaren Vale, South Australia 2005

Rich bouquet of red berries, strawberries, blackberries and currants complexed with licoriced bitter chocolate with a camphor and damp earth.  Medium to full-bodied and beautifully textured palate with a light earthy tone, with well integrated fine tannins and acidity. Only 540 dozen produced!

Joseph Moda Amarone Cabernet Merlot, Adelaide Hills, South Australia 2003

This distinctive wine, made from dried Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot fruit, reveals a dense ruby purple garnet colour and a big sweet, toasty nose filled with aromas of melted asphalt, black currants, damp earth and plums.  Rich, full-bodied, and chewy, this is a singularly styled wine which is successful.

Vina Igneus Mas Igneus FA11297, Priorato, Spain 1997

Dense Stuff offering very ripe fruits and velvety texture before a very fine fruit and nut finish.

Silver Medal – 1999 International Wine Challenge, London, UK

Le Macioche Brunello di Montalcino, Tuscany, Italy 2000

With integrated leather, dried fruit, and tomato aromas, this is just what textbook Brunello is all about. It’s sly, deep and complex, albeit a wee bit tight and tangy. Time should soften it up, and then it will deliver all the goods.

Cascina Gilli Malvasia, Castelnuovo, Italy 2006

A beautifully made and deliciously sweet wine with a bit of fizz. Enjoy chilled!

More photos, visit Willis :  http://willisyu.spaces.live.com/