2007年9月15日 星期六

試飲試食 @ EL MUNDO

好友 Ricky 大哥又開新店,上星期五很榮幸獲邀到餐廳試飲試食新店位於灣仔。

室內佈置清雅別緻,分上下兩層, 各有不同風格。 是三五知己把酒輕談聚會或狂歡派對的理想領域。 食物質素保持 Ricky 一貫水準!



EL MUNDO (Tel: 2838-2836) Spanish Restaurant

G/F, 9-13 Heard Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong.


謝謝 Ricky 大哥!


mw 14-09-2007



很高興再會 Walter 兄 


7 則留言:

  1. 恭喜 Should visit Ricky's new restaurant with you in the near future. Joanne

  2. Looking forward for the CK's Birthday Dinner tomorrow @ El Mundo, I'm sure it will be even better after the official openning. Ollivander

  3. Kwai: see you all soon. Joanne: call me when you are free.

  4. Congratulation on Ricky!! 我會約朋友仔一起去下ga la!! btw, this is my blog, welcome to my blog anytime!! www.xanga.com/kico_meomeotiger

  5. Kico: Nice in hearing from you. See you sometimes later soon.

  6. you're really fast! I'm going there next week with friends

  7. 叉燒包: Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a great fun with your friends in EL Mundo next week. I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Maria
