2008年2月3日 星期日

Urgent help needed !!!


Re:  "Urgent Help" Needed


Continuously, I receive this kind of "urgent" message (content in green color below).

I was thinking to forward to all friends so that more people can help.

Before doing that, I used to check whether this story is true.

I tried every number and none of the numbers was in service other than one.

But it is just a residential phone number and the person who answered my call told me that it is a made up story.

Also, there is no such "香港小學學生輔導專業人員協會".

Therefore, Don't easily believe !!! 

*****   *****   *****

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 12:32 PM

Subject: 急徵AB型骨髓配對,請幫轉寄出去好嗎?要快!

請大家隨手做功德,轉寄出去不會花你半分鐘的時間 .. 謝謝
程曉菁 電話:(02)2550-7099  u:(02)2550-7098

急徵 AB型骨髓配對,希望大家轉寄此信,讓他們找到(救星)她是一位血友病患者,經診斷須要做骨髓移植才能有生存的希望。
對一個血癌病人和家屬朋友而言,時間一分一秒地過去,越令人害怕。我們急需要一位血型 AB

Eric Hui Tel: (852)-2426-6073 (Office);
(852)-9181-2083 (Mobile)

本會電話: 27412665 傳真號碼: 3158 ?197
本會郵箱: P.O.Box 73588 K.C..P.O.
電郵: linoiche@hotmail.com
網址 : http://www..sgp.org.hk

1 則留言:

  1. 依家己經有好多人不幸,點解重要虛構故事令人不安?可惡!!
