2007年12月19日 星期三

閃爍聖誕東寶夜 ~ 亮麗完成

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Let's celebrate and have our last gathering of the year.













Dear friends,


Date:            December 18, 2007 (Tuesday)

Venue:         北角東寶小 -- Tung Po, a very cozy noisy area but comfort and fun!!


It was really a great party tonight!

Thanks to all the supporting friends !!!

I was so happy in meeting some new friends from the latest classes, together with some old friends that I haven’t met for ages!

Hope to see you all again soon in coming year.

Details & photos of tonight will be posted on Blog ASAP.

Merry X’Mas to you all !!!


mw 18-12-2007

6 則留言:

  1. 恭喜!很能感受妳的興奮和歡樂 

  2. OMG, 忘記了影全體相! 只影了很多大圈子、小圈子合照!!

  3. 真要謝謝 Maria 悉心安排名菜 + 美酒, Menu + Wine List, 更捨得與我們分享珍藏了數年的斷市意大利佳釀. 很開心的一晚呀 !
    NB. Celia 好似每圍都影左相架.

  4. 實在是個愉快的晚上, 再次感謝 Maria 的悉心安排! 「東寶小館」果然名不虛傳, 照片已經準備好予Maria, 上載予各位酒友有心人欣賞. 同時亦已把照片上載於第九班的網誌 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/good.vintage , 有興趣就睇吓啦! 最後祝各位擁有一個開心, 健康的聖誕新年啦

  5. 嘩!Celia 真快手,已經把當晚酒宴相片 post 上 blog,大家先賭為快!

    Click: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/good.vintage/article?mid=276
