2007年12月3日 星期一

Dinner after Wine Appreciation Class ~ 02 Dec 2007 (和泰居)


Thank you for those participated friends in making tonight's wine dinner gathering so successful.

It's been so enjoyable and I do hope that you all had lots of fun.

More photos will be shared ASAP.

to continue …


mw 02-12-2007



----- Original Message -----


Subject: Dinner after Wine Appreciation Class - 2nd December 2007 - Thai dinner


Dear All,


A new Wine Appreciation Class (品酒班) will be held on 2nd December 2007.

There is a Thai dinner organized after the class.

If you have a fancy for Thai dishes, you are more than welcome to join.


Date:        2 December, 2007 (Sunday)

Time:      7:00 p.m.

Venue:    和泰居 (和風泰國料理 ) 

              Tokyochili (Thai Private Kitchen) tel: 29150083

Address:  銅鑼灣京士頓街2-4 號, 京士頓大廈B9 字樓B5室.

Flat B5, 9/F, Block B, Kingston Mansion, No. 2-4 Kingston Street, Causeway Bay, HK.


4 則留言:

  1. Maria,
    再一次感激妳百忙之中為同學們安排的晚宴 , 認識了新朋友, 又食得好開心, 試酒試得暢快, 試了二枝不同款的Sparkling, 一枝香檳, 一枝法國南部的Syrah & Garnache, 一枝圓肚型意大利酒, 一枝Barolo, 渡過一個非常滿足的晚上.

  2. 忘記了一枝智利白酒王..

  3. JMP: 最開心莫過於見到大家真的在享受及高興,而且喜歡自己的介紹。下次再見!

  4. " 圓肚型意大利酒 " - 係邊支?Sampo?
