安排這個酒宴,因為自己頗喜歡西班牙美食,而且對這套西班牙酒又有信心。 固希望與各好友放下急速的節奏,慢慢享受一頓美味的盛宴。
mw 19-03-2008
四傻奇想曲 ...... “嘩、如果今晚抽到支 Lafite 82 就好啦!”
側田班長 …..“你地就想,邊有咁筍!”
Damon 老師 ….. “唉,有無都唔關我事,大會規定,呀 Sir 抽到都要攞翻出黎再抽!!”
見到 Hung Sir 想嘔 ???
Eric, 叫左你唔好成日扮“遠峰一青”嘛!唉!
Eric: 〝你卑鄙,人地扮呂奇之嘛!〞
“Damon, 快望鏡頭呀,上鏡啦!”
大家好認真研究張 wine list
瑪利亞 高歌以娛賓客?豈敢!恐怕一開聲,大家搵門口走哂,咁就大件事!~~~ 抽獎開始啦!
當晚頭獎 ~ Lafite 82 洋蠋版 一支
大家實在太喜歡抽獎!詢眾要求下,我那兩支 “私伙酒” 都要被上繳作抽獎用途,唉!太好啦!
開心、開懷 … 一個輕鬆、滿足的晚上!
Food : Wine : Friends :
encore, 幾時再攪過, 搵個好地方, 要多D fine wine, 多D好野食, 多D人一齊玩, 多D獎品......但收平D
回覆刪除That includes you of course!
回覆刪除So many people, I have to give kudos to the ones who organise the event!
回覆刪除May I know who is Cheong99 in your photos?
回覆刪除搞成六十咁多人 ge 酒局, 巨細無遺, 酒菜節目, 樣樣美滿, 真要好多心機. Sort 相撰文 post 上 blog - 謝 x 100 呀 ! 好想您快 d 再吹雞, 下次如有什麼需要走 dek 安排, 唔使客氣, 儘管吩咐.
回覆刪除Dear Maria,
回覆刪除Thanks a lot. That evening is wonderful. Delicious food & Elegant wine. Looking forwards for the next dinner.
BTW , I failed to enrol the wine tasting class in April & July 08. If there is any vacancy, please let me know. Finally, do you have any idea where I can buy the wine, Beaucastel Chateauneuf du Pape 1998 and the price? Maybe for next week, I and my friends pay a visit to your office to see whether we shall find some treasures and pick up the wine of Barolo that you generously sold to me.