2009年2月2日 星期一

Discoveries Winemaker Tour, Domaine du Grangeon 25-28 February, 2009

Discoveries Winemaker Tour,

Domaine du Grangeon 25-28 February, 2009

Dear Wine and Food Lover,

Kung Hei Fat Choy!  (Happy Chinese New Year!)

We invite you to join us in the first of our new series of ‘Discoveries Winemaker Tours where the visiting winemaker and local Hong Kong wine instructor Mr. Damon Yuen, will lead you to discover each month some of the world’s most exciting and unusual wines paired to a range of exquisite cuisine in various m.a.x. concepts outlets.

Our first tour, entitled, “Ancient Grapes, Ancient Terroir, Timeless Wines 25-28th February, 2009”, will star the unusual Côtes du Rhône wines of Domaine du Grangeon paired to (1) Thai/Vietnamese cuisine, (2) Western cuisine, and (3) fusion canapés. Special highlight of this tour will be the tannic ancient French indigenous Chatus grape, only rediscovered in 1986, tamed under the direction of winemaker Mr. Christophe Reynouard, paired to a heavy red Thai Penang Curry OR to a Grilled Baby Lamb Rack served with Potato, Aubergine Ratatoullie and Thyme Jus.

Choose to join our tour in one of the three destination events listed below (Menus attached):

  1. Domaine du Grangeon at Lian:  Dinner (Wednesday 25th February, 2009, from 7:00pm):  $598.00 NET per person

  2. Domaine du Grangeon at Lawry’s the Prime Rib:  Dinner (Thursday 26th February, 2009 from 7:00pm):  $598.00 NET per person

  3. Domaine du Grangeon at Pearl on the Peak:  Afternoon Paired Wine-tasting Seminar (Saturday 28th February, 2009 from 3:30pm):  $298.00 NET per person

ADVANCED TICKET PURCHASE IS REQUIRED.  Tickets (available for sale) from 30th January, 2009 can be purchased at the following m.a.x. concepts locations:

  1. Lian:  Shop 2004, Podium Level 2, IFC Mall, Central, Hong Kong

  2. Lawry’s The Prime Rib:  4/F., The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue , Causeway Bay , Hong Kong

  3. Pearl on the Peak:  Shop 2, Level 1, The Peak Tower , Hong Kong

Tickets can also be purchased from Cottage Vineyards (International).  Call Tel.  2395 1293 or email tastings@cottagevineyards.com.

Hope to see you at our events.

Yours sincerely,

Ada Leung

Managing Director

Cottage Vineyards (International) Limited


有關格蘭桑酒莊 (Domaine du Grangeon) 及基斯駝練娃先生 (Mr. Christophe Reynouard) 簡介

格蘭桑酒莊位於龍谷亞迪殊的盧斯埃產區 Rosières,格蘭桑酒莊在 1998年由基斯駝先生創辨。葡萄園由家族所擁有,基斯駝先生畢業於法國 Montpellier (蒙皮利埃),修讀種植及釀酒學(學士學位),並在法國 Dijon 進修釀酒學碩士學位,畢業後在恭得里奥 (Condrieu) 北龍谷 (Northern Rhône) 維歐涅的家鄉裏一個著名酒莊 Georges Vernay (佐治宏里)裹學習釀酒,其後更在酒莊內担任釀酒師達四年半之久,及後便展開了他熱愛的釀酒事業。今天,基斯鴕仍親自管理所創辨的格蘭桑酒莊,並種植多隻葡萄品種,包括有維歐涅 (Viognier),莎當尼 (Chardonnay),希哈 (Syrah),卡本納蘇維翁 (Cabernet Sauvignon),梅洛 (Merlot),嘉麗濃 (Cariganan) 及實珠 (Chatus)

實珠葡萄 (Chatus) 生存在法國超過二千年,在法國龍谷的亞迪殊 (Ardèche) 存在比羅馬人在此種植葡萄歴史更長遠。法國古代農學家 Olivier de Serres (“奥利花”) 於1600年在著作“Theatre of Agriculture”一書中,確定實珠葡萄為法國古代 38 種本土葡萄品種之一。

相信現在除了布根地 (Burgundy) 的黑皮諾 (Pinot Noir) 之外,實珠可能是第二隻仍存在的法國古代葡萄品種。早在百多年前蚜虫大災害時期,法國各地的釀酒師都誤以為這葡萄品種己絕了跡,但奇跡地在 1988 年於龍谷的某一山坡偶然再發現其踪影而被再度種植,現時全法國衹有龍谷的亞迪殊 (Ardèchoises) 地區有少量種植。其特性集香辣、果味濃郁、高酸度及單寧強勁於一身,可配上任何濃而重食物,如牛扒及咖喱類食物等等。


Detailed Menus, please refer :



