2007年11月3日 星期六

良朋共聚流浮山@歡樂海鮮酒家 22-11-2007


Dear friends,


The third yearly Seafood Wine Dinner at Lau Fau Shan is confirmed.

For those who had been there in last two years, for sure I am delighted in seeing you again.

For those who have never been to there, it's worth to try.


Please find details as follows:

Date:         November 22, 2007 (Thursday)

Time:         7:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Venue:      Happy Seafood Restaurant in Lau Fau Shan (流 浮 山) 

Address:    新界流 浮 山迴旋處山東街12號 (即小巴總站側)

Budget:      For Food ~ HK$300 ;  For Wine ~ HK$200 - HK$250.


Means of transport: Travel by coach.

Pick up at Tsuen Wan MTR Station to the Restaurant and return back to Tsuen Wan MTR Station afterward.

Cost of transport:  Around HK$60 per person.


There will be no corkage charges.

Kindly reply by returned email (with your contact number) if you are able to join us.

The dead-line for enrolment will be on 15th Nov 2007 as we need to make reservation and arrange for the transportation.


Cancellation of booking must be raised 7 days prior to the activity date.  Members who fail to show up will still be liable to pay their fee since food, wine list and transportation will be confirmed then.


Looking forward to seeing you!




mw 02-11-2007

3 則留言:

  1. 很可惜, 我不吃海鮮, 否則我不會放過有飲有食的聚會

  2. JMP: What a pity! See you in other events then.
    pupil: Thank you! (enrolled already ?)
