2007年11月19日 星期一

我與意大利酒的邂逅 ~ Fall in Love with Italian Wines



三年前對 Italian wine 是一無所知,什麼  Barolo、Barberesco、Barbera、 Nebbiolo grape?Cortese、Brachetto、Moscato
What are these??




mw 18-11-2007

Dinner at Le Mieux Bistro 2005

Business Trip to Shanghai 2006

Chinese food ~ good, good, good !

A good lady friend in Shanghai ~ Consorzio Tutela Vini D'Acqui


The Order of the Knights of the Truffle & the Wines of ALBA

Wine Tasting & Dinner at Crown Wine Cellars Nov 2006

Barolo producer ~ Sergio Barale


Barolo Night at Crown Wine Cellar Jan 2006

Mauro Mascarello (Giuseppe Mascarello Winery)

Ciao guys ~


Extracts from "Hong Kong Tatler, September 2007".

Bottling high-end collectable Barolo wine in Crown Wine Cellars

in Hong Kong for the very first time from a barrel in the month of

the 10th anniversary celebrations of Hong Kong's return to China.

The Barolo wine comes from Italian vineyard owner Sergio Barale.


12 則留言:

  1. From JMP:
    Hi Maria, 身邊的酒友都是年年跟W. Kwok去法國旅行, 飲紅酒+香檳; 唯何你會去意大利, 飲意大利酒???
    Hi JMP: This is the reason on how I started involving in Italian wine business. Sounds romatic ?
    But remember, this is only my hobby, not my core business, though I really do enjoy doing it.

  2. 真是.....等到頸都長......
    簡潔但內容豐富, 資料清晰, 謝!
    雖然酒不是你的core business, 但可以寓工作於娛樂 (& vice versa), 不是羨煞幾多人了.
    下次應該有意大利之行的分享啩?? 否則, 條頸要再加長....

  3. 短短百餘字, 圖文並茂, 又真是一份令人羨慕的副業, 亦是一段浪漫的情緣呢 !

  4. JMP:
    Agree , 自己真的是很幸運, 可以寄工作於娛樂。 其實在我背後有兩位 在我生命中很重要的支持者,沒 有了他們無私、無條件的畢生支持,我的生活沒有那麼精彩!
    Italian trip 仍在努力 中 ,多謝耐心支持!
    最多下次帶支 Barolo 同你食飯啦 ! Cheers !

  5. 哈哈,意大利長介!

  6. 真替妳開心 !
    其實你估唔估到我係邊個 ? 係三年前我開始飲 wine 都係因你而起。

  7. Hi Maria, I am coming...看到这么多熟悉的照片,又想起了我们在上海的开心时光。一个美丽的开端,期待分享你的皮尔蒙特饕餮之旅。 An Italy Wine Lady is Born...

  8. pupil: 原來是你 ! 差點被你嚇死 ! 還以為.... 銘記於心啦 !

  9. 意大利酒其實同法國酒一樣精彩

  10. Hello Maria hahaha my name is actually Maria too, so it sounds like I am saying hi to myself. Anyway I just saw your blog about wine and in fact I have been searching on the internet about wine tour in Italy (tuscany) area, so wonder if you could give us/ suggest us any recommendation or point us to the right direction. The only issue is we are going to be around Gerve / chanti area only on the Sunday then we will driving down to Rome. So Sunday seems to be our only choice for a wine tour. Anyway hope to speak to you soon and thanks! Kind regards Maria

  11. Thank you, and I shall enjoy as much as I can in Italy ^.^. Keep it up with your blog writing, they are good!! Maria
