稱中國地震為報應 莎朗史東道歉 (法新社) 05月 30日 星期五 00:20AM
(法新社北京 二十九日電) 好萊塢女星莎朗史東日前稱中國大地震造成慘重傷亡,是中國政府對西藏 政策的「因果報應」,這番言論引發中國方面憤怒回應,對此莎朗史東已表示歉意。
莎朗史東是法國 精品製造商迪奧的超級名模,今天她透過迪奧在中國分公司發布聲明,提議願協助地震救災工作。
根據 YouTube上廣為流傳的影片,莎朗史東當時說,「我不樂見中國對待西藏人的方式,因為我認為,任何人都不該對別人不仁慈。」
Truth can be unpleasant to hear, but that doesn't change its truthfulness. Stone and I are ideologically polar opposites, but I feel she's on the mark on this one.
回覆刪除正一BSB!!(Brianless Stupid B**ch!!)
All normal mankind will give strong sympathy to this disaster and the suffering people. Can’t imagine such a stupid remark heard!
回覆刪除Moreover, I don’t think her apology was for real!
Sharon Stone, we will boycott FOREVER all your movies and all your speokwoman products in order to show respect to the unfortunate people who died or injured or lost thier family in the disaster. Sharon Stone is just acting when say sorry (she is an actor). You will never have any income since I guess that no stupid director and no product will use you. This is your "報應" of saying that. We want to tell the rest of the world that they should respect us (Chinese people). Sharon, please don't lie and don't act to say sorry, to regret, no need, not help. We will punish u by boycott FOREVER all your things.
回覆刪除可能.. 莎朗史東 ...這位不知所謂荷里活影星...拍本能拍到連人性同智慧這本能都.衰退了..天譴同天災都分不出.. 有無同情心 .連公開道歉都要經理人幫 不知所謂 真係垃圾都不如....
回覆刪除中國人有句話 :「錯就要認..打就要企定」..
如果有悔改之心.就親身道歉同去四川地震災區 做義工彌補啦 ....唔好得個講字....
算啦, 我們不需要她道歉了,不如多用一些時間關心四川人民及支援不幸者。只當她是一隻涼血的動物隨處叫不是更好嗎!
回覆刪除she is such a bimbo ...anyways...